Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On Stable Jobs

Stable jobs are no longer stable. They no longer exist in the Western world. We have switched from a manual labor society to a mental labor society. All solid jobs now require cognition to make money. Which means, now, you need to be risky. No longer are you just trying to do the task at hand, you are trying to do what is handed to you and then discover the process of doing it and then going above and beyond and making more recommendations. That describes today's work environment. Either get with the program or work at fast food.

Now, this means jobs are not stable. Everybody stands at the risk of losing their job at their next mistake, because it may just be a very, very, extremely large mistake that costs lots of money. Look at all the stable job employees that have been laid off since recently. During the last 4 years, we saw a large decrease in middle wage jobs and a large increase in lower wage jobs. This is because people with the cognition to perform higher tasks are now underemployed.

The point I am getting at here is stable jobs are a thing of the past. They no longer exist. They are dinosaurs. Now, you must be able to be risky. You must be willing to fail in order to win. You must put yourself out there so everybody can notice your mistake as you fall just short of success once so that next time you put yourself out there like that, you just may succeed. You make money today through risk.

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